
Driver and Vehicle Services Info Hub

Motor vehicle and drivers license information

Deputy Registrar Information

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Self-Service Kiosks Add​​endum for Deputy Registrars

DVS is expanding self-service kiosk locations to select retail operations.

Please review the self-service kiosks addendum​.​

If you are an impacted deputy registrar or interested in participating in the kiosk program, complete the form that begins on page three (3).​

If you'd like to expand your business and are interested in leading a self-service kiosk opportunity in a retail location, please contact JR Haglund at MNDRKiosk@iti4dmv.com​​, with Intellectual Technology Inc. (ITI), for specific Kiosk questions.

Minnesota DVS Now Kiosk Locator and FAQ Site

Please visit https://dvsnow.mn.gov​ for more information on kiosks and locations. 


Impounded Plates: FAQ​

Impound Info Sheet (before August 1, 2023)​

Impound Info Sheet (on or after August 1, 2023)​

Depository Changes Effective July 1, 2020​

Deputy Registrar Forms ​​


Various Deputy Reg. Forms

License Plates

Motor Vehicle Forms

Credit Card Forms - 


Deputy Registrar Specific Procedures

NSF Agreement

NSF Checks Returned From Dealer


When a deputy registrar office receives a bad check from a dealer they can contact the Dealer Unit at 651-201-7800 to request the dealer bond information. The Dealer Unit will provide the dealer's bond company name, bond number, bond company address & phone number (if available). The deputy registrar's office would then contact the bond company to pursue a claim against the dealer's bond.

The letter is available as a Microsoft Word 2000 document (.doc) and as a rich text file (.rtf).

You may not use the letter until you have submitted the NSF agreement and received authorization from Deputy Procedures.

If you have any questions, please contact Rachael or Jason in Deputy Procedures.​



